Module 1 Welcome & Instructions
Thank you for participating in the Louisiana Mentor Teacher Virtual Training Series through A+PEL. We’re excited that you are on the path to becoming a certified mentor teacher and that we can help you get there!
This virtual training course contains SIX modules. Each module consists of videos, handouts, and other helpful resources. This is a self-paced course designed to take, on average, 4-6 months to complete. However, you have lifetime access to the course and can stop and start as needed. There are no deadlines from A+PEL for you to complete the course work.
This training series is created to work the Bloomboard Assessments in tandem with the coursework. If you happen to be working over the summer, it is possible to do only the coursework while taking notes and then work through the Bloomboard Assessments with a mentee when you return to school in the fall.
To obtain your mentor teacher certification, you will also complete 2 micro-credential assessments through Bloomboard. These assessments are accessed and administered through Bloomboard, which is a completely separate component from this course. A+PEL will provide assessment support for mentor training participants through LIVE Zoom calls every month. These calls are not mandatory, but simply a way to support you as you prepare for and work through the assessments.
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. This information will help you access each of the 2 required platforms required for the course:
Teachable - this is where the course videos are housed.
You will use your school email to access this platform through the website .
A verification email was sent when you were enrolled in the course. You can create your account through that email by clicking the “verify my email” button.
An alternative method to access your course is to click the website above then enter your school email as the user name. Click “forgot password”, follow the prompts to create your account, and choose your password. Once you have gone through the necessary steps and logged in with your newly chosen password, click “My Courses” and you should see the Mentor Teacher course listed.
Go to “My Courses” and click the start button to begin the mentor teacher training course. The first thing that you will see are copies of the course materials. These are not the materials you will fill out. They are simply here for reference during the videos. Click through them to get to the first video.
Make sure to “opt in” to email notifications from Teachable, so you will get information on Mentor Teacher support calls, etc.
Bloomboard - this is where you will complete your certification assessments.
This separate component will be purchased by you or your district. Once all funding is processed and accounts are created, you will receive an account set up email from Bloomboard. Please check your junk mail/spam if you don’t see it.
**DO NOT go to the Bloomboard site and create your own account. An account will be created for you when you complete the Google Form from the link below.
When you are ready to take your Bloomboard assessments, sign up with this google form, and select “A+PEL sponsored” from the payment options:
- Once you have received an email from Bloomboard, you will use your school email address to access this platform.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email us for assistance.
As part of the course, we also provide supplementary coaching and support towards your certification, please check your email for updated dates, links, and information.