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ELA Content Leader: Secondary Cohort (2024)
ELA Content Leader Training Overview
ELA Content Leader Introduction (8:27)
ELA Content Leader Module 1 Resources
PRINT-Content Leader Module 1 Handout
6-8 Updated Curriculum Guide
Content Leader Training Scope and Sequence
Bloomboard Sample Calendar
ELA Content Leader Module 1
Session 1: Launching our Work (14:55)
Session 2: Deepening Understanding of the ELA Guidebooks (24:08)
Session 3: Defining the ELA Content Leader Role & Considering Your Context (9:00)
Session 4: ELA Content Leader Assessment Series Overview (14:23)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 1 Resources
Note Catcher CM 1
Session 1: Curriculum Samples
Session 2: Examples
Session 3: Lesson Sequence
Session 3: Cold Read Example
Session 4: Fluency Strategies
Session 5: Readers Circles
ELA 6-8 Content Module 1
Session 1: Introduction to the Guidebooks (16:53)
Session 2: The BIG Picture (12:48)
Session 3: Unpacking the Cold Read Task (19:19)
Session 4: Fluency as a Foundation (19:19)
Session 5: Text-Based Experiential: Reader’s Circles in Action (15:52)
Session 6: Text-Based vs. Strategies-Based Instruction (13:55)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 2 Resources
CM 2 Note Catcher
Session 1: Fish Text Sets
Session 2: Flowers for Algernon supplemental text set
Session 3: Extension task supplemental materials
Session 5: Indirect Vocab Instruction Sample
ELA Content Module 2
Session 1: How does knowledge support comprehension? (12:36)
Session 2: Conceptual Coherence (15:24)
Session 3: Unpack the Extension Task (15:05)
Session 4: Exploring Text Sets in the ELA Guidebooks (9:31)
Session 5: Indirect Vocabulary Instruction (16:03)
Session 6: Volume of Reading (10:32)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 3 Resources
Session 2: Readers Circle Example Sequence
ELA 6-8 Content Module 3
Session 1: Qualitative Analysis as a Foundation for Text-Based Instruction (15:17)
Session 2: Defining Close Reading in the Guidebooks (11:56)
Session 3: Re-Thinking the Role of TDQs (15:50)
Session 4: Unpack Direct Vocabulary Instruction in the Guidebooks (15:49)
Session 5: Speaking and Listening (11:03)
Session 6: Preparing to Teach and Lead (7:47)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 4 Resources
Session 1 Exemplars
Session 3: Support Flow Chart
ELA 6-8 Content Module 4
Session 1: Preparing to Analyze Student Work (11:59)
Session 2: Evidence of Student Learning (10:46)
Session 3: Diagnosing Students’ Needs (8:18)
Session 4: Using the Supports Flow Chart (10:27)
Session 5: Using the Supports Flow Chart to Support Students in Using Evidence (12:00)
Session 6: Inquiry Cycle Stages 1-5 (4:55)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 5 Resources
Overview Guide
Writing Standards Progression
Session 3: Guidebooks Writing Progression
Session 3: Student Sample Writings
Session 5: Example Annotated Writing
ELA 6-8 Content Module 5
Session 1: The Writing Process in the Guidebooks (13:52)
Session 2: Opinion / Argument Writing in the Guidebooks (10:47)
Session 3: Informative/Explanatory Writing (12:34)
Session 4: Narrative Writing and the Mentor Texts Strategy (20:45)
Session 5: Annotating Student Writing (13:03)
Session 6: Preparing to Teach and Collect Evidence (5:40)
ELA 6-8 Content Module 6 Resources
Overview Guide
Session 1: LEAP Rubrics
Session 2: Definition Sheets
ELA Content Module 6
Session 1: Learning to Analyze Student Writing Samples (18:20)
Session 2: Evidence of Student Learning (5:40)
Session 3: Supporting Content, Understanding and Writing Craft (8:29)
Session 4: Organization (7:40)
Session 5: Grammar and Conventions (8:57)
Session 6: Plan to Meet Student Needs (6:19)
ELA Content Leader Module 8 Resources
PRINT- CL Module 8 Notecatcher
Common Planning Time Support Tool
6-8 Curriculum Guide
Sample TC Agendas
Unit Study Tool
Common Planning Agenda Template
ELA Content Leader Module 8
Introduction and Reflection (6:03)
Session 1: Vision of Success for Teacher Collaboration (6:17)
Session 2: Planning to Lead Effective Teacher Collaboration (13:28)
Session 3: Planning Effective Teacher Collaboration Agendas (9:37)
Session 4: Next Steps for Supporting Teachers and Earning Certification (21:58)
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Session 5: Annotating Student Writing
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